7 Ways to Start a Self-Care Routine
Nicole Fuller Nicole Fuller

7 Ways to Start a Self-Care Routine

Providing clinicians, brain injury survivors, and their care partners with resources to develop a self-care plan early on that can be adapted throughout recovery can be invaluable to the quality of life and long-term recovery. 

Developing a self-care plan can be a very novel idea for not just a person who has survived a brain injury or their care partners, but also for many health care practitioners.

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5 Tips to Rewire your Brain for Resiliency
Nicole Fuller Nicole Fuller

5 Tips to Rewire your Brain for Resiliency

Improving our brain resilience can be impacted by how we respond to stress. We can harness neuroplasticity by improving our emotional, cognitive, and behavioral responses to stress, so our brain learns to react to new experiences better.

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Cultivating Neuroplasticity through Reflection?
Nicole Fuller Nicole Fuller

Cultivating Neuroplasticity through Reflection?

Through exploring the skill of learning and reflection, I was able to begin to connect my love for learning, my excitement with neuroplasticity, and a new interest in mindfulness as a possible opportunity for improving reflection.

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